Are You Nervous & Awkward



Getting People To Do What You Want Them To Do And Love You For It Is What We Do Best

  •  100% Ethical & Authentic
  •  Works For Everyone
  •  Persuade & Influence Like A Pro

  Discover How In The Video Below

Are You Nervous & Awkward



Getting People to Do What You Want Them to Do And Love You for it Is What We Do Best

Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
  •  100% Ethical, Authentic & Fun
  •  Works For Everyone
  •  Lead & Influence Like A Pro

  Learn More About The INFLUENCE SECRETS Training In The Video Below And Apply To Join Today!

The Big Questions Is This:

How do high-achievers like us who didn't cheat and run over dead bodies to get what we want... 

How do we market ourselves, our skills, and the things we believe in out in the world and still remain authentic and ethical.

That is the question... and this page will give you the answer.  My name is David Karasek and welcome to Influence Secrets!

The Most Advanced 33-Day LIVE Online Training On Subconscious Human Influence

I'll reveal the exact system I've used to coach people like you to...

- Find their soulmate
- Get promoted 2x in the same year
- Double their income in 3 months
- Nail all their interviews
- Break company sales records
- Be the most authentic and most effective networker in any room.

Don't Just Believe Me, Watch Yourself!

Check Out Matthew's "Instant Business Results"

Even Vinita Was "Surprised By The Speed & Depth"

"This Stuff Works 
In Real-Life" (No BS!)

Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All

The Big Questions Is This:

How do high-achievers like us who didn't cheat and run over dead bodies to get what we want... 

How do we market ourselves, our skills, and the things we believe in out in the world and still remain authentic and ethical.

That is the question... and this page will give you the answer.  My name is David Karasek and welcome to Influence Secrets!

The Most Advanced 33-Day LIVE Online Training On Subconscious Human Influence

I'll reveal the exact system I've used to coach people like you to...

- Find their soulmate
- Get promoted 2x in the same year 
- Double their income in 3 months
- Nail all their interviews
- Break company sales records 
- Be the most authentic and most effective networker in any room.

Don't Just Believe Me...
Watch Yourself!

Check Out Matthew's "Instant Business Results"

Even Vinita Was "Surprised By The Speed & Depth"

"This Stuff Works In Real-Life" (No BS!)...

When Does The Next 33-Day Training Start?

(click to apply for the February Training)

What Will I Learn?

This training is easily the most advanced 33-day online journey into the heart of charisma, confidence, and persuasion. Our promise is that it's NOTHING LIKE YOU'VE EVER SEEN BEFORE!

The "7-Step Universal Influence Protocol"

= 7 Influence Secrets To Positively Inspire Anybody In Any Situation!

What Will I Get?

  • All Sessions are LIVE on Zoom
  • ​All Sessions are recorded and can be watched anytime, anywhere
  • ​Maximum of 8 Students
  • ​4x 45min Influence Secrets Trainings
  • ​4x 60min Subconscious Mastery Drills
  • 2x UNLIMITED Feedback and Q&A
  • ​BONUS: 1x 45min Private 1-on-1 Coaching Call

When Does The Next 33-Day Training Start?

(click to apply for the February Training)

What Will I Learn?

This training is easily the most advanced 33-day online journey into the heart of charisma, confidence, and persuasion. Our promise is that it's NOTHING LIKE YOU'VE EVER SEEN BEFORE!

The 7-Step Universal Influence Protocol

= 7 Influence Secrets To Positively Inspire Anybody In Any Situation!

What Will I Get?

  • All Sessions are LIVE on Zoom
  • ​All Sessions are recorded and can be watched anytime, anywhere
  • ​Maximum of 8 Students
  • ​4x 45min Influence Secrets Trainings
  • ​4x 60min Subconscious Mastery Drills
  • 2x UNLIMITED Feedback and Q&A
  • ​BONUS: 1x 45min Private 1-on-1 Coaching Call

The 3 Pillars That Make "Influence Secrets" So Powerful:

(If you lack just one of these, your chances of success are massively diminished...)

Why Knowledge?

Because you need to logically understand the 7 Secrets first so you can intuitively start to integrate them into your daily life. Make sense?

Why Practice?

Because you'll simply never become the best version of yourself without practice. We can do it in a safe space before you go out in the real world to try your luck :)

Why Feedback?

Because while the "Universal Influence Protocol" works in any situation, YOU are not the same as everybody else. To be the best you can be, you'll naturally have to try different things to find what works best for you personally. Continuous Feedback is the key to reach real-life Mastery quickly. 

Why Bonus?

Because we want to be 95%+ sure that you'll succeed.

You'll get a private 1-on-1 Session that will skyrocket the likelihood, the speed, and the personal satisfaction of you becoming a Master at Social Skills.

The 3 Pillars That Make "Influence Secrets" So Powerful:

(If you lack just one of these, your chances of success are massively diminished...)

Why Knowledge?

Because you need to logically understand the 7 Secrets first so you can intuitively start to integrate them into your daily life. Make sense?

Why Practice?

Because you'll simply never become the best version of yourself without practice. We can do it in a safe space before you go out in the real world to try your luck :)

Why Feedback?

Because while the "Universal Influence Protocol" works in any situation, YOU are not the same as everybody else. To be the best you can be, you'll naturally have to try different things to find what works best for you personally. Continuous Feedback is the key to reach real-life Mastery quickly. 

Why Bonus?

Because we want to be 95%+ sure that you'll succeed.

You'll get a private 1-on-1 Session that will skyrocket the likelihood, the speed, and the personal satisfaction of you becoming a Master at Social Skills.

Why Should I Join?

Imagine walking into any room and:

  • Sparking engaging, meaningful conversations effortlessly – whether you're an introvert or extrovert...
  • ​Unraveling the core desires and decision-making processes of those you meet...
  • Presenting the most magnetic version of yourself in every interaction...
  • Achieving your goals by aligning them with the aspirations of others...
  • ​Commanding respect and attention the moment you step in...
  • ​Mastering the subtle art of non-verbal communication for maximum impact...
  • ​Creating instant, deep-rooted trust, making others feel they've known you for years...
  • ​And much more...

Finally Be Yourself And Get Rid Of 
The Self-Doubt Like Marisa:

Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach

How Much Does It Cost?

The regular price for the 33-day "Influence Secrets" Training is CHF 497.

If you really want to be trained but you're struggling financially, we offer amazing scholarships that make it affordable for everyone.

Click the link below to find out if you qualify for a scholarship!

Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee
(just in case)?

YES! We thought you'd also appreciate that you have a 100% money-back guarantee. 

If you don't get instant results from the training, let us know and we'll refund you all the money you have invested. 

No questions asked! 

Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All

Why Should I Join?

Imagine walking into any room and:

  • Sparking engaging, meaningful conversations effortlessly – whether you're an introvert or extrovert...
  • ​Unraveling the core desires and decision-making processes of those you meet...
  • Presenting the most magnetic version of yourself in every interaction...
  • Achieving your goals by aligning them with the aspirations of others...
  • ​Commanding respect and attention the moment you step in...
  • ​Mastering the subtle art of non-verbal communication for maximum impact...
  • ​Creating instant, deep-rooted trust, making others feel they've known you for years...
  • ​And much more...

Finally Be Yourself And Get Rid Of Self-Doubt Like Marisa

Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach

How Much Does It Cost?

The investment for the 33-day "Influence Secrets" Training is CHF 497.

If you really want to be trained but you're struggling financially, we offer amazing scholarships that make it affordable for everyone.

Click the link below to find out if you qualify for a scholarship!

Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee (just in case)?

YES! We thought you'd also appreciate that you have a 100% money-back guarantee. 

If you don't get instant results from the training, let us know and we'll refund you all the money you have invested. 

No questions asked! 



Are You Ready To Make The World Give You What You Want!?!

I was lonely and broke… But…

When I discovered the true secrets of covert hypnosis I learned to…
  • Become a magnet for sexy, beautiful women
  • ​Attract my wife and we now have our beautiful baby girl Luana
  • ​Use the “millionaire mindset” to instantly draw money to me whenever I want it!
  • Create magical relationships that are the envy of all my friends!
  • Influence anyone to do anything I want and love me for it!
  • ​Program my mind to automatically attract one sensational opportunity after another–money, business, success … you name it!
  • ​Exude a powerful aura of confidence, authority and leadership that naturally allows me to control any situation or group… at will!

Are You TIRED Of Feeling Powerless And Out Of Control Of Your Life?

If you truly want the keys to more making more money, enjoying better relationships and far more success more easily than you ever thought possible then this will be the most important and exciting message you will ever read!

Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All



Are You Ready To Make The World Give You What You Want!?!

I was lonely and broke…


When I discovered the true secrets of covert hypnosis I learned to…
  • Become a magnet for sexy, beautiful women
  • ​Attract my wife and we now have our beautiful baby girl Luana
  • ​Use the “millionaire mindset” to instantly draw money to me whenever I want it!
  • Create magical relationships that are the envy of all my friends!
  • Influence anyone to do anything I want and love me for it!
  • ​Program my mind to automatically attract one sensational opportunity after another–money, business, success … you name it!
  • ​Exude a powerful aura of confidence, authority and leadership that naturally allows me to control any situation or group… at will!

Are You TIRED Of Feeling Powerless And Out Of Control Of Your Life?

If you truly want the keys to more making more money, enjoying better relationships and far more success more easily than you ever thought possible then this will be the most important and exciting message you will ever read!

Dear Seeker,

My name is David Karasek, and I have a very simple question for you…

Would you like to finally have the power to make life give you what YOU want?

Next question:

Would you like to have the unstoppable ability to make people believe what you say AND…

Do what you want them to do?

If so… this could be the most important letter you ever read because…

If you are ready to live the life of success, happiness and fulfillment you were born to live...


Will you continue to endlessly struggle through life deprived of the things that you know you deserve, being denied the things you want most for yourself and feeling absolutely lost, frustrated and hopeless?

Now, I know that sounds sort of melodramatic… and it is.

But, I do have your attention don’t I?

And that is exactly what I intended to do! 

You see if you don’t pay attention to what I am about to tell you then you could miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!

In fact this may be the most important message you ever read!



What I am about to tell you is absolutely true.

If you have found this page (and you obviously have) then you are one of the lucky few. You are lucky because you now have the chance to gain so much personal power, more wealth, success and happiness than you can possibly imagine…

But only if you think you are worth it.

As you may (or may not) be aware of... I was a record-breaking Olympic swimmer, private banker and more importantly for you, I've trained and coached Olympic champions, executives, entrepreneurs, network marketers, and teenagers in getting what they want out of life... the way they want it.

But I have a CONFESSION to make…

I wasn’t always that way!

Success in life did not come easy for ME!
For many years my life was an uphill battle. Day in and day out I saw opportunities pass me by like a runaway freight train!

Each day seemed to bring one new frustration or disappointment after another in the form of losing another sale, getting turned down time after time by the women I was attracted to, or being passed over for promotions year after year by guys who were nowhere near as qualified, talented or hardworking as I was.

To put it bluntly…

My life sucked!

I was a total AFB!… (Average Frustrated Bro)

One day after getting rejected for a promotion yet AGAIN the 3rd year in a row (while my peers got double promotions that year)...

I’d had enough!

I just couldn’t take it anymore!

I realized at that moment that I had two choices for my life…

I either had to find a way to get more power, influence and control over every aspect of my life right now or…

Put a friggin gun to my head and end it once and for all!

Well, I am many things, but the one thing I am not– is a quitter!

Deep down I knew I wasn’t a loser. I knew there must be some way for me to win my place in the sun!

To enjoy the money, success, relationships and activities that give life meaning… after all…

Other people were doing it so easily!

I sat back and took a good hard look at the last decade of my life. I started analyzing the common denominators among all the crappy events I have had to endure.

Events ranging from being pulled from exciting work projects that I was promised to lead to gut wrenchingly painful events like my girlfriend cheating on me with a female (yes, that happened!); busting my butt slaving in gardens of rich people for years in freezing weather while being verbally degraded by my fat lazy boss, and what seemed like an endless array of other utterly humiliating life experiences!

I sat for hours sifting through one miserable memory after another, looking for someone to blame, trying to find some reason why I kept getting handed one CRUSHING personal defeat after the next.

I asked myself “what did all those events have in common?”

I didn’t like the answer.

The answer was… ME!

You see up until that moment, it seemed I always had to work ten times harder for 1/10 of the rewards everyone else was getting, and as a result I was often left feeling…

Cheated, angry, bitter and confused!

I moved through the world blindly accepting whatever life handed me often feeling like a complete beggar at the mercy of other peoples “whims” and “charity” with little to no clue how to get what I REALLY wanted and wondering why I just couldn’t seem to get ahead.

SOMETHING was terribly WRONG with the world…

…or so I thought!

After my long night of soul searching. I suddenly realized…

That something was ME!

You and I, just like every other man, woman, and child on this beautiful planet, are ultimately responsible for the results we produce in life.

And the lives people lead are pretty much a direct reflection of their personal ability to wield power and influence in the world.

With almost no exceptions!

To put it bluntly, most people go through life utterly powerless to get the things they truly want and being blatantly MANIPULATED by those who do understand the true laws of power and influence.

That fateful night something did “die” inside me– it was the old, fearful, angry, frustrated and bitter chump I had been!

He was gone and from those ashes a new David arose like a “phoenix from the ashes”.

It didn’t happen over night but it did happen and I would never be the same because that night…

Something snapped!

I became OBSESSED with the idea of finding a TRUE path to PERSONAL POWER; to learn for myself, once and for all, the real secret master keys to wielding immense power and influence that would ultimately get me the life I always knew I deserved.

I desperately wanted to be successful, happy and fulfilled.
I had the desire!

What I didn’t have was the knowledge and the skills to get what I wanted, and I knew that was EXACTLY what I needed! 

That night began my ten year journey into the hidden and secret world of the “subconscious influence and persuasion underground.”

They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear…

In my case it was teachers…

You see in addition to reading every book, listening to every audio course, and buying any video I could find on self-hypnosis, NLP, energy work and every other persuasion discipline that exists, I also traveled all over the world seeking out the most powerful masters of influence on the planet.

I spent tens of thousands of Swiss Francs (it's more like CHF 250'000+...), swore vows of secrecy and did things most people simply just don’t want to know about in order to learn the most powerful subconscious secrets that exist. And then I took them out and tested them in the real world over and over again!


It’s a common fact among the worlds richest and most powerful people that – “If you’re willing to spend a year or two doing what most people refuse to do… ”

“You can spend the rest of your life doing the things most people simply can’t do!”
Not only that, you see no matter how interesting and compelling a theory may be, in the “real world”– it's the people who DO things, who TAKE the action to get what they want, no matter what, that get results, and in the real world…

It’s results that count…

Over the past ten years I have used my method to break sales record after sales record for my own company....

I doubled my income from 120'000 CHF to 240'000 CHF in only 3 short months when I was 29 using my persuasion skills.

I have earned huge commissions and royalties on projects where I have used my Influence Secrets techniques.

I applied for, and been hired to do jobs I wasn’t even qualified to do, simply because I wanted to test the power of my influence skills (How is that for job security?).

I was selected to become the president of an organization in Switzerland where we teach children and teenagers how to swim so no child dies because he/she can't swim.

I helped all of my private clients to live healthier, happier and more productive lives! (If this stuff is irresistible in the real world imagine what it can do in the treatment room!)

I enjoyed AMAZING relationships with some of the most beautiful women in the world.

And most importantly for me personally, I found my soulmate in 2019 and we're happily married and have started our own family and got blessed with our daughter Luana as a direct result of my new way of doing things in life.
I also met a few cool people on my journey.

In fact, here’s me with Drago from the movie series Rocky...
Dear Seeker,

My name is David Karasek, and I have a very simple question for you…

Would you like to finally have the power to make life give you what YOU want?

Next question:

Would you like to have the unstoppable ability to make people believe what you say AND…

Do what you want them to do?

If so… this could be the most important letter you ever read because…

If you are ready to live the life of success, happiness and fulfillment you were born to live...


Will you continue to endlessly struggle through life deprived of the things that you know you deserve, being denied the things you want most for yourself and feeling absolutely lost, frustrated and hopeless?

Now, I know that sounds sort of melodramatic… and it is.

But, I do have your attention don’t I?

And that is exactly what I intended to do! 

You see if you don’t pay attention to what I am about to tell you then you could miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!

In fact this may be the most important message you ever read!



What I am about to tell you is absolutely true.

If you have found this page (and you obviously have) then you are one of the lucky few. 

You are lucky because you now have the chance to gain so much personal power, more wealth, success and happiness than you can possibly imagine…

But only if you think you are worth it.

As you may (or may not) be aware of... I was a record-breaking Olympic swimmer, private banker and more importantly for you, I've trained and coached Olympic champions, executives, entrepreneurs, network marketers, and teenagers in getting what they want out of life... the way they want it.

But I Have a Confession to Make...

I wasn’t always that way!

Success in life did not come easy for ME!

For many years my life was an uphill battle.

Day in and day out I saw opportunities pass me by like a runaway freight train!

Each day seemed to bring one new frustration or disappointment after another in the form of losing another sale, getting turned down time after time by the women I was attracted to, or being passed over for promotions year after year by guys who were nowhere near as qualified, talented or hardworking as I was.

To put it bluntly…

"My Life Sucked!"

I was a total AFB!… (Average Frustrated Bro)

One day after getting rejected for a promotion yet AGAIN the 3rd year in a row (while my peers got double promotions that year)...

I’d had enough!

I just couldn’t take it anymore!

I realized at that moment that I had two choices for my life…

I either had to find a way to get more power, influence and control over every aspect of my life right now or…

Put a friggin gun to my head and end it once and for all!

Well, I am many things, but the one thing I am not– is a quitter!

Deep down I knew I wasn’t a loser. I knew there must be some way for me to win my place in the sun!

To enjoy the money, success, relationships and activities that give life meaning… after all…

Other People Were Doing It So Easily!

I sat back and took a good hard look at the last decade of my life. I started analyzing the common denominators among all the crappy events I have had to endure.

Events ranging from being pulled from exciting work projects that I was promised to lead to gut wrenchingly painful events like my girlfriend cheating on me with a female (yes, that happened!); busting my butt slaving in gardens of rich people for years in freezing weather while being verbally degraded by my fat lazy boss, and what seemed like an endless array of other utterly humiliating life experiences!

I sat for hours sifting through one miserable memory after another, looking for someone to blame, trying to find some reason why I kept getting handed one CRUSHING personal defeat after the next.

I asked myself “what did all those events have in common?”

I didn’t like the answer.

The answer was… ME!

You see up until that moment, it seemed I always had to work ten times harder for 1/10 of the rewards everyone else was getting, and as a result I was often left feeling…

Cheated, angry, bitter and confused!

I moved through the world blindly accepting whatever life handed me often feeling like a complete beggar at the mercy of other peoples “whims” and “charity” with little to no clue how to get what I REALLY wanted and wondering why I just couldn’t seem to get ahead.

SOMETHING was terribly WRONG with the world…

…or so I thought!

After my long night of soul searching. I suddenly realized…

That something was ME!

You and I, just like every other man, woman, and child on this beautiful planet, are ultimately responsible for the results we produce in life.

And the lives people lead are pretty much a direct reflection of their personal ability to wield power and influence in the world.
With almost no exceptions!

To put it bluntly, most people go through life utterly powerless to get the things they truly want and being blatantly MANIPULATED by those who do understand the true laws of power and influence.

That fateful night something did “die” inside me– it was the old, fearful, angry, frustrated and bitter chump I had been!

He was gone and from those ashes a new David arose like a “phoenix from the ashes”.
It didn’t happen over night but it did happen and I would never be the same because that night…

Something SNAPPED!

I became OBSESSED with the idea of finding a TRUE path to PERSONAL POWER; to learn for myself, once and for all, the real secret master keys to wielding immense power and influence that would ultimately get me the life I always knew I deserved.

I desperately wanted to be successful, happy and fulfilled.

I had the desire!

What I didn’t have was the knowledge and the skills to get what I wanted, and I knew that was EXACTLY what I needed!

That night began my ten year journey into the hidden and secret world of the “subconscious influence and persuasion underground.”

They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear…

In my case it was teachers…

You see in addition to reading every book, listening to every audio course, and buying any video I could find on self-hypnosis, NLP, energy work and every other persuasion discipline that exists, I also traveled all over the world seeking out the most powerful masters of influence on the planet.

I spent tens of thousands of Swiss Francs (it's more like CHF 250'000+...), swore vows of secrecy and did things most people simply just don’t want to know about in order to learn the most powerful subconscious secrets that exist. And then I took them out and tested them in the real world over and over again!


It’s a common fact among the worlds richest and most powerful people that – “If you’re willing to spend a year or two doing what most people refuse to do… ”

“You can spend the rest of your life doing the things most people simply can’t do!”

Not only that, you see no matter how interesting and compelling a theory may be, in the “real world”– it's the people who DO things, who TAKE the action to get what they want, no matter what, that get results, and… The Real World, it's Results That Count

Over the past ten years I have used my method to break sales record after sales record for my own company....

I doubled my income from 120'000 CHF to 240'000 CHF in only 3 short months when I was 29 using my persuasion skills.

I have earned huge commissions and royalties on projects where I have used my Influence Secrets techniques.

I applied for, and been hired to do jobs I wasn’t even qualified to do, simply because I wanted to test the power of my influence skills (How is that for job security?).

I was selected to become the president of an organization in Switzerland where we teach children and teenagers how to swim so no child dies because he/she can't swim.

I helped all of my private clients to live healthier, happier and more productive lives! (If this stuff is irresistible in the real world imagine what it can do in the treatment room!)

I enjoyed AMAZING relationships with some of the most beautiful women in the world.

And most importantly for me personally, I found my soulmate in 2019 and we're happily married and have started our own family and got blessed with our daughter Luana as a direct result of my new way of doing things in life.
I also met a few cool people on my journey.

In fact, here’s me with Drago from the movie series Rocky...
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And Gary Kasparov who was the World Champ in chess…
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
I don’t say this to brag but to show you I was around world-class people…

And even better - I trained some into becoming world-class champions.

Some like Nicola Spirig who won the Olympics in 2012 while being a mother of 3 amazing kids!
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And even Tyler Creamer, who discovered how to perform better in high-pressure situations.
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And these are just some of the many athletes I trained. Athletes such as Marisa Field...
And Huba Szekessy…
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And Gary Kasparov who was the World Champ in chess…
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
Met Vince Vaughn in Los Angeles...
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
I don’t say this to brag but to show you I was around world-class people…

And even better - I trained some into becoming world-class champions.

Some like Nicola Spirig who won the Olympics in 2012 while being a mother of 3 amazing kids!
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And even Tyler Creamer, who discovered how to perform better in high-pressure situations.
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And these are just some of the many athletes I trained. Athletes such as Marisa Field...
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
And Huba Szekessy…
Corporate Coach, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Professional Development Coach, Career Coach
Look, I’m not telling you all this to impress you.

(Well… maybe a little)

But really what I want is for you to understand that the skills I am going to be teaching in my trainings have created every good thing in my life and they can and will do the same for you!

I’m not some anonymous guy selling an e-book on the internet who probably wouldn’t know a language pattern if it came up and bit him in the ass! NO!

Imagine What Your Life Will Be Like Once You’re Finally Able To Easily…

  • Persuade the man or woman of your dreams to find you irresistibly attractive and want to date you, sleep with you and maybe even marry you!
  • ​Finally get that pay raise you have been waiting for!
  • ​Land that big promotion!
  • ​Get lots of stuff for free!
  • ​Get a brand new job that pays you what you think you’re worth, instead of what others think you are worth!
  • ​Negotiate the best price on anything!
  • ​NAIL that tough audition and beat out the competition!
  • ​Set more appointments and close more sales!
  • ​Motivate yourself and others for success!
  • ​Improve every relationship you have and create lasting connections!
  • ​Resolve disputes and find solutions quickly!
  • ​Influence large groups of people!
  • ​Have the ability to make anyone DO anything you want them to any time and have them utterly convinced it’s their own idea!
  • ​Effectively teach new skills quickly!
  • ​Simply have the power and ability to get what you want in ANY situation or circumstance!
  • ​Talk your way out of any tough situation!
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
I will be honest though…

I NEVER planned to REVEAL most of this information publicly!

Especially NOT at this level! 

But the flood of emails and the overwhelming response from you and others like you actually “CHANGED MY MIND”…

Ironic, isn’t it?

So Here Is A Small Part Of What You Will Get...

  • Learn the five ways to know when people are in trance and how to leverage it for maximum persuasion!
  • ​The two major hypnotic language patterns that perfectly match the structure of human belief to gain instant compliance… In seconds!
  • ​A simply amazing way to BIND your subjects’ deeply held emotional desires to what you want them to do, that instantly seduces them and has them practically begging to do what you want! (I have used this secret hundreds of times to get everything from jobs to women and more… this secret is almost too powerful!)
  • ​Learn how you can instantly begin getting more people to like you and do what you want starting today! (Even if you are a rank beginner!)
  • ​16 Genetically programmed doorways into a person’s mind that completely bypass their ability to make “analytical-logical judgments” and cause them to move and think in the direction you want them to.

Let Me Ask You An Honest Question...

Would you still ride a horse to work every day, or would take your automobile if you had a choice? 

I’m betting on the car.

If you were going to invest in a training program designed to give you killer hypnosis skills you probably want the most up to date technology, as well as the most reliable and fool proof methods for your hypnotic tool kit, would you not?

So… Come to the training and find out!

Here Is What Else You Will Learn!

  • How to easily use emotional doorways to make people feel any emotion you want! (make someone trust you, like you, attracted to you…even love you, FAST!)
  • Discover a practically fool proof method for influencing groups of people!
  • ​The surprising secret regarding the most powerful trance induction known to man and how to use it on every one! (this will astound you!)
  • ​How to think, believe and see the world the way masters of covert hypnosis do! (Adopting this mindset allows you to exert irresistible influence any time anywhere!)
  • ​Discover the true nature of dominance, power and control. (learn how to exude an aura of authority anywhere you go that instinctively makes people want to follow your lead)
  • ​How to use the “Tri-Phasic” model of the unconscious mind to effortlessly program any change you desire in yourself and others easily and permanently!
  • ​Learn and Understand “How” to change any ones- behaviors, beliefs OR PERSONALITY! 
  • ​How to quickly program yourself to become a master of hypnotic persuasion!
  • ​Learn the core hypnotic language patterns that no one can resist, not even those trained in their use!
  • ​How to FORCE your subjects mind to create the exact mental suggestions in their mind that you want them to have and then act on it like its their own idea. (think of the possibilities!)
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
I’ve used these amazing tactics to enrich my life to a level most people can only fantasize about. I enjoy a lifestyle that would make most folks green with envy! I’ve used these techniques to help countless others do the same.

I’ve proven myself in every area of influence and persuasion possible, and now it’s time for me to ‘pass the torch’…

In other words… 

If YOU Think You Deserve It… 
You Are Next In Line!

But get this: I have spent well over CHF 200'000 and 1000's of hours developing, thinking, and mastering the most intense persuasion skills known to man.

Honestly, I’ve worked too damn hard to put these priceless diamonds of pure hypnotic influence into the hands of just anybody…

Not only will you know techniques I haven’t revealed to my closest friends, but I will “hold your hand” as your personal coach and make sure you master each and every one.

Then after the training, I plan to go back to my life and…

Never reveal these secrets at this level ever again.

Let me make this clear: When this monumental training is over, YOU will not have mastered all the techniques that I teach because that takes time and practice.

But you will have powerful secrets that absolutely nobody in the freakin’ world will know about besides you.

And as you begin to understand these secrets, we'll give you a platform to simply practice your skills so you can naturally become a master influencer.

So here’s the deal….

My Never Ending Search...

For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, I’m an obsessed man. 

Seriously, someone should probably throw me in a mental institution.

When I start thinking of something it rattles my brain until I’ve completely conquered it.

Regardless of what it is, I’m totally and painfully obsessed with it until I’ve become a master at it.

It doesn’t matter if my goal is racing against the best in the world in the Olympics, getting a BJJ purple belt (the pic is from back in the day when I was training in Hawaii) or harnessing the most powerful energies on the planet.
I’ve had a LOT of people asking me why I haven’t just released ALL this information to EVERYONE.

The answer is simple:

It’s next to impossible to master these advanced tactics just by reading something.

Secondly, this information is way too powerful to simply make public knowledge. This privileged information HAS to be sought after and HAS to be exclusive.

That’s why I will make everyone sign Non Disclosure Agreements.

That’s why this will be expensive.

That’s why this will be the most exclusive persuasion training that the world will EVER see.

After this training:

You Can Get More Money, Find True Love, And Achieve REAL POWER In Your Life!

After I’m done with them, these lucky souls will have the power to rule the world. They will be the only persuaders in existence that know these “black ops tactics”.

They will ‘hands-down’ be the absolute best in the business.
These guys will be the “navy seals” of the Persuasion and Influence Secret Society. 

No one will be able to touch them in their prowess at getting what they want from life.
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
Look, I’m not telling you all this to impress you.

(Well… maybe a little)

But really what I want is for you to understand that the skills I am going to be teaching in my trainings have created every good thing in my life and they can and will do the same for you!

I’m not some anonymous guy selling an e-book on the internet who probably wouldn’t know a language pattern if it came up and bit him in the ass! NO!

Imagine What Your Life Will Be Like Once You’re Finally Able To Easily…

  • Persuade the man or woman of your dreams to find you irresistibly attractive and want to date you, sleep with you and maybe even marry you!
  • ​Finally get that pay raise you have been waiting for!
  • ​Land that big promotion!
  • ​Get lots of stuff for free!
  • ​Get a brand new job that pays you what you think you’re worth, instead of what others think you are worth!
  • ​Negotiate the best price on anything!
  • ​NAIL that tough audition and beat out the competition!
  • ​Set more appointments and close more sales!
  • ​Motivate yourself and others for success!
  • ​Improve every relationship you have and create lasting connections!
  • ​Resolve disputes and find solutions quickly!
  • ​Influence large groups of people!
  • ​Have the ability to make anyone DO anything you want them to any time and have them utterly convinced it’s their own idea!
  • ​Effectively teach new skills quickly!
  • ​Simply have the power and ability to get what you want in ANY situation or circumstance!
  • ​Talk your way out of any tough situation!
I will be honest though…

I NEVER planned to REVEAL most of this information publicly!

Especially NOT at this level! 

But the flood of emails and the overwhelming response from you and others like you actually “CHANGED MY MIND”…

Ironic, isn’t it?

So Here Is A Small Part Of What You Will Get...

  • Learn the five ways to know when people are in trance and how to leverage it for maximum persuasion!
  • ​The two major hypnotic language patterns that perfectly match the structure of human belief to gain instant compliance… In seconds!
  • ​A simply amazing way to BIND your subjects’ deeply held emotional desires to what you want them to do, that instantly seduces them and has them practically begging to do what you want! (I have used this secret hundreds of times to get everything from jobs to women and more… this secret is almost too powerful!)
  • ​Learn how you can instantly begin getting more people to like you and do what you want starting today! (Even if you are a rank beginner!)
  • ​16 Genetically programmed doorways into a person’s mind that completely bypass their ability to make “analytical-logical judgments” and cause them to move and think in the direction you want them to.

Let Me Ask You An Honest Question...

Would you still ride a horse to work every day, or would take your automobile if you had a choice? 

I’m betting on the car.

If you were going to invest in a training program designed to give you killer hypnosis skills you probably want the most up to date technology, as well as the most reliable and fool proof methods for your hypnotic tool kit, would you not?

So… Come to the training and find out!

Here Is What Else You Will Learn!

  • How to easily use emotional doorways to make people feel any emotion you want! (make someone trust you, like you, attracted to you…even love you, FAST!)
  • Discover a practically fool proof method for influencing groups of people!
  • ​The surprising secret regarding the most powerful trance induction known to man and how to use it on every one! (this will astound you!)
  • ​How to think, believe and see the world the way masters of covert hypnosis do! (Adopting this mindset allows you to exert irresistible influence any time anywhere!)
  • ​Discover the true nature of dominance, power and control. (learn how to exude an aura of authority anywhere you go that instinctively makes people want to follow your lead)
  • ​How to use the “Tri-Phasic” model of the unconscious mind to effortlessly program any change you desire in yourself and others easily and permanently!
  • ​Learn and Understand “How” to change any ones- behaviors, beliefs OR PERSONALITY! 
  • ​How to quickly program yourself to become a master of hypnotic persuasion!
  • ​Learn the core hypnotic language patterns that no one can resist, not even those trained in their use!
  • ​How to FORCE your subjects mind to create the exact mental suggestions in their mind that you want them to have and then act on it like its their own idea. (think of the possibilities!)
I’ve used these amazing tactics to enrich my life to a level most people can only fantasize about. I enjoy a lifestyle that would make most folks green with envy! I’ve used these techniques to help countless others do the same.

I’ve proven myself in every area of influence and persuasion possible, and now it’s time for me to ‘pass the torch’…

In other words… 

If YOU Think You Deserve It... YOU ARE NEXT IN LINE!

But get this: I have spent well over CHF 200'000 and 1000's of hours developing, thinking, and mastering the most intense persuasion skills known to man.

Honestly, I’ve worked too damn hard to put these priceless diamonds of pure hypnotic influence into the hands of just anybody…

Not only will you know techniques I haven’t revealed to my closest friends, but I will “hold your hand” as your personal coach and make sure you master each and every one.

Then after the training, I plan to go back to my life and…

Never reveal these secrets at this level ever again.

Let me make this clear: When this monumental training is over, YOU will not have mastered all the techniques that I teach because that takes time and practice.

But you will have powerful secrets that absolutely nobody in the freakin’ world will know about besides you.

And as you begin to understand these secrets, we'll give you a platform to simply practice your skills so you can naturally become a master influencer.

So here’s the deal….

My Never Ending Search...

For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, I’m an obsessed man. 

Seriously, someone should probably throw me in a mental institution.

When I start thinking of something it rattles my brain until I’ve completely conquered it.

Regardless of what it is, I’m totally and painfully obsessed with it until I’ve become a master at it.

It doesn’t matter if my goal is racing against the best in the world in the Olympics, getting a BJJ purple belt (the pic is from back in the day when I was training in Hawaii) or harnessing the most powerful energies on the planet.
I’ve had a LOT of people asking me why I haven’t just released ALL this information to EVERYONE.

The answer is simple:

It’s next to impossible to master these advanced tactics just by reading something.

Secondly, this information is way too powerful to simply make public knowledge. This privileged information HAS to be sought after and HAS to be exclusive.

That’s why I will make everyone sign Non Disclosure Agreements.

That’s why this will be expensive.

That’s why this will be the most exclusive persuasion training that the world will EVER see.

After this training:

You Can Get More Money, Find True Love, And Achieve REAL POWER In Your Life!

After I’m done with them, these lucky souls will have the power to rule the world. They will be the only persuaders in existence that know these “black ops tactics”.

They will ‘hands-down’ be the absolute best in the business.
These guys will be the “navy seals” of the Persuasion and Influence Secret Society. 

No one will be able to touch them in their prowess at getting what they want from life.


This Power Can Be As Addictive As Heroin!

As soon as you have a “taste” of this coveted information, you will be hopelessly addicted.

The power you will possess after learning how to ‘hack’ the mind of anyone you choose to make them do anything you want can become a super-addiction!

I have to be honest… 

If I were to list every single topic and technique that I am going to reveal in this training, this letter would be 200 pages long!

To put It bluntly…

This information is overwhelming!

You are going to walk out of there with a sense of personal mastery.

You will be able to hear “YES” almost any time you choose to.

You will build your business, increase your sales, learn to motivate yourself and others and gain compliance in virtually every situation in life.

The possibilities are ENDLESS.

The Bottom Line Is:

If you are among the lucky few allowed to attend this workshop, you will be able to influence anyone to do anything you desire!

I’ve seen it a million times.

(ok not a million, but A LOT of times!!)

People go to seminars and spend 1000's of Swiss Francs on products to learn a few basic NLP skills, and then go out thinking they’re hot stuff – only to find themselves in a sea of mediocrity once they start trying to apply those techniques in the real world on real people.
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All


This Power Can Be As Addictive As Heroin!

As soon as you have a “taste” of this coveted information, you will be hopelessly addicted.

The power you will possess after learning how to ‘hack’ the mind of anyone you choose to make them do anything you want can become a super-addiction!

I have to be honest… 

If I were to list every single topic and technique that I am going to reveal in this training, this letter would be 200 pages long!

To put It bluntly…

This information is overwhelming!

You are going to walk out of there with a sense of personal mastery.

You will be able to hear “YES” almost any time you choose to.

You will build your business, increase your sales, learn to motivate yourself and others and gain compliance in virtually every situation in life.

The possibilities are ENDLESS.

The Bottom Line Is:

If you are among the lucky few allowed to attend this workshop, you will be able to influence anyone to do anything you desire!

I’ve seen it a million times.

(ok not a million, but A LOT of times!!)

People go to seminars and spend 1000's of Swiss Francs on products to learn a few basic NLP skills, and then go out thinking they’re hot stuff – only to find themselves in a sea of mediocrity once they start trying to apply those techniques in the real world on real people.
“Okay, So What's The Format Of The Influence Secrets Training?
We'll meet 2x per week.

Once to teach you one of the secrets and once to practice and drill what you've learned so you can naturally integrate these skills into your daily life.

Because reality is, you need knowledge, practice, and continuous feedback to REALLY make massive changes in your life.

And this training provides you with exactly that.
“Okay, I’m Sold! And How Much Is This Going To Cost?”
The real answer? Not enough!

Let me ask you this…

How much is it worth to you to be able to powerfully influence anyone you want?

What would it be like if you could walk into a car dealership and influence the dealer into giving you an amazing discount on a brand new car?

What would it be like if you could land one big deal after another for your business and be known to everyone as “The Closer?”

What would it be like to walk up to someone you’re attracted to and get them to desire you right there?

What would it be like to get other people to treat you and buy you expensive gifts all the time?

What would it be like to effectively help others overcome their limiting beliefs, phobias, and insecurities and make them feel better than they’ve ever felt in their lives?

What kind of a price tag would you put on that?

The simple answer is: You can’t.

This type of power is PRICELESS.

Let’s be clear. I’m not just charging for these skills. I’m charging for my time.

I’ve had people offer me tens of thousands of Swiss Francs to train them. 

But for this special training, I will only be accepting a lump sum of ONLY CHF 497.

Now you may be thinking…
“This All Sounds Great, But I’m Not Sure I Want To Spend That Much.”
Then don’t…

Listen: I don’t need your money!

That’s not why I’m doing this. But I have to make enough to cover my expenses.

If you feel that CHF 497 is too much to pay for the power to influence anyone, then I DON’T WANT YOU TO COME.

People have been trying to bribe me all week, since I announced this training, to try and get in for WAY more than that amount.

But when you break it down, you’re going to be acquiring skills that will provide you with a lifetime of benefits.

How do you put a price on that?

Is it worth CHF 497 to be able to get anyone to do whatever you want?

I’m willing to bet its worth WAY more than that.
“C’mon, Isn’t All This Hypnosis And Subconscious Talk A Bunch Of Mumbo-Jumbo?”
If you think that, why are you even reading this?

We are exposed to hypnosis and persuasion every single day.

Every TV commercial you see? 

That’s influence at work. Newscasters use hypnosis. Politicians use hypnosis. Movie stars use hypnosis.

They just don’t call it HYPNOSIS.

What I have to show you are real-world techniques that work in every day life.

You don’t need a gold watch and a comfy sofa. 

You just need your VOICE and a willingness to learn.

Then you’ll see for yourself just how powerful these techniques can be.
“How Do I Know This Isn’t A Scam?"
Look, I’m a well respected figure in the hypnosis community and with my private and corporate clients.

But if that doesn’t convince you, I’ll make you this promise…

If You Feel These Tactics Are Bunk And You’ve Wasted Your Time, After The Training Is Over, I Will Happily Give You A FULL Refund.

Most hypno-gurus will try to “trick” you out of your money by only giving you a one-day guarantee for the first session of the training.

If you’re unsatisfied after the first session is over – you’re screwed!

Not me.

It’s my responsibility to deliver EVERY SINGLE DAY of the training, and if by the end of 33 days, you feel like I’m full of B.S., then you will not have wasted your time for nothing.

I am going to put my money where my mouth is!

That is my 100% personal guarantee to you.

All the burden is on ME to deliver. So you either learn what you want, or you get your money back.

There is NO RISK on your part.
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
“Okay, So What's The Format Of The Influence Secrets Training?
We'll meet 2x per week.

Once to teach you one of the secrets and once to practice and drill what you've learned so you can naturally integrate these skills into your daily life.

Because reality is, you need knowledge, practice, and continuous feedback to REALLY make massive changes in your life.

And this training provides you with exactly that.
“Okay, I’m Sold! And How Much Is This Going To Cost?”
The real answer? Not enough!

Let me ask you this…

How much is it worth to you to be able to powerfully influence anyone you want?

What would it be like if you could walk into a car dealership and influence the dealer into giving you an amazing discount on a brand new car?

What would it be like if you could land one big deal after another for your business and be known to everyone as “The Closer?”

What would it be like to walk up to someone you’re attracted to and get them to desire you right there?

What would it be like to get other people to treat you and buy you expensive gifts all the time?

What would it be like to effectively help others overcome their limiting beliefs, phobias, and insecurities and make them feel better than they’ve ever felt in their lives?

What kind of a price tag would you put on that?

The simple answer is: You can’t.

This type of power is PRICELESS.

Let’s be clear. I’m not just charging for these skills. I’m charging for my time.
I’ve had people offer me tens of thousands of Swiss Francs to train them.

But for this special training, I will only be accepting a lump sum of ONLY CHF 497.

Now you may be thinking…
“This All Sounds Great, But I’m Not Sure I Want To Spend That Much.”
Then don’t…

Listen: I don’t need your money!

That’s not why I’m doing this. But I have to make enough to cover my expenses.

If you feel that CHF 497 is too much to pay for the power to influence anyone, then I DON’T WANT YOU TO COME.

People have been trying to bribe me all week, since I announced this training, to try and get in for WAY more than that amount.

But when you break it down, you’re going to be acquiring skills that will provide you with a lifetime of benefits.
How do you put a price on that?

Is it worth CHF 497 to be able to get anyone to do whatever you want?

I’m willing to bet its worth WAY more than that.
“C’mon, Isn’t All This Hypnosis And Subconscious Talk A Bunch Of Mumbo-Jumbo?”
If you think that, why are you even reading this?

We are exposed to hypnosis and persuasion every single day.

Every TV commercial you see? 

That’s influence at work. Newscasters use hypnosis. Politicians use hypnosis. Movie stars use hypnosis.

They just don’t call it HYPNOSIS.

What I have to show you are real-world techniques that work in every day life.

You don’t need a gold watch and a comfy sofa. 

You just need your VOICE and a willingness to learn.

Then you’ll see for yourself just how powerful these techniques can be.
“How Do I Know This Isn’t A Scam?"
Look, I’m a well respected figure in the hypnosis community and with my private and corporate clients.

But if that doesn’t convince you, I’ll make you this promise…

If You Feel These Tactics Are Bunk And You’ve Wasted Your Time, After The Training Is Over, I Will Happily Give You A FULL Refund.

Most hypno-gurus will try to “trick” you out of your money by only giving you a one-day guarantee for the first session of the training.

If you’re unsatisfied after the first session is over – you’re screwed!

Not me.

It’s my responsibility to deliver EVERY SINGLE DAY of the training, and if by the end of 2 weeks, you feel like I’m full of B.S., then you will not have wasted your time for nothing.

I am going to put my money where my mouth is!

That is my 100% personal guarantee to you.

All the burden is on ME to deliver. So you either learn what you want, or you get your money back.

There is NO RISK on your part.

You Must Act Now To Be Part Of This Once-In-A-Lifetime Event, Or Miss Out FOREVER!

Once you learn these skills, you basically become the kind of person who can get whatever they want, just through their words.

Are You Worth It?

Seriously… Only you can answer that question.

Remember, I can only guarantee TEN SPOTS available for this amazing hands-on experience.

And we are only accepting on a first come, first serve basis, so please don’t wait if you want this once in a lifetime chance.

If You Email Us, I Will Personally Answer Any Questions You May Have About The Training And Help You To Sign Up!

There are over 77 other people “in line” to get to these spots already…

This website will be taken down any minute. As soon as the 10 spots are gone, this site will be down forever.

If you’re here and reading this, you still have a chance. Take it while you still can!

Take care,
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All

You Must Act Now To Be Part Of This Once-In-A-Lifetime Event, Or Miss Out FOREVER!

Once you learn these skills, you basically become the kind of person who can get whatever they want, just through their words.

Are You Worth It?

Seriously… Only you can answer that question.

Remember, I can only guarantee TEN SPOTS available for this amazing hands-on experience.

And we are only accepting on a first come, first serve basis, so please don’t wait if you want this once in a lifetime chance.

If You Email Us, I Will Personally Answer Any Questions You May Have About The Training And Help You To Sign Up!

There are over 113 other people “in line” to get to these spots already…

This website will be taken down any minute. As soon as the 10 spots are gone, this site will be down forever.

If you’re here and reading this, you still have a chance. Take it while you still can!

Take care,
Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All

P.S. One Last Thing…

As you know, these 10 spots will be taken lightning fast. You better take fast action now to have a chance of securing a seat to this VIP training.

I’ve had a lot of people wanting to know why I’m doing this training. Of course I’ve heard everything from “make money” to “show off bragging rights”.

You want to know why I’m doing this?

Because you can get anything in life you want, if you just help enough people to get what they want.

There are so many people who could enrich every aspect of their lives just knowing these amazing skills.

But I only want to give this chance to the people who truly, honestly, want to master complete control over their life and destiny.

That’s why I priced this special event so high, so I know only the people who are TRULY committed to my teachings will get in.

And guess what… After I’m finished with you, you can and will be unstoppable in whatever endeavor you choose in life.

Think about that… it’s not rocket science.

Don’t delay on this. If you want it, get it now, while you can. Hopefully it’s not already too late…


Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
P.S. One Last Thing…
As you know, these 10 spots will be taken lightning fast. You better take fast action now to have a chance of securing a seat to this VIP training.

I’ve had a lot of people wanting to know why I’m doing this training. Of course I’ve heard everything from “make money” to “show off bragging rights”.

You want to know why I’m doing this?

Because you can get anything in life you want, if you just help enough people to get what they want.

There are so many people who could enrich every aspect of their lives just knowing these amazing skills.

But I only want to give this chance to the people who truly, honestly, want to master complete control over their life and destiny.

That’s why I priced this special event so high, so I know only the people who are TRULY committed to my teachings will get in.

And guess what… After I’m finished with you, you can and will be unstoppable in whatever endeavor you choose in life.

Think about that… it’s not rocket science.

Don’t delay on this. If you want it, get it now, while you can. Hopefully it’s not already too late…


Become Our Next Student • No Risk At All
© 2023, Influence Secrets -  All Rights Reserved
Bändlistrasse 54, 8064 Zürich, Switzerland